.NET is an integral part of many applications running on Windows and provides common functionality for those applications to run. This download is for people who need .NET to run an application on their computer. For developers, the .NET Framework provides a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences and seamless and secure communication.


    Most web applications today use boring methods to present data to their viewers using grids or simple HTML tables. FusionCharts induces "life" into the web applications by converting monotonous data into lively charts, gauges & maps. Fusion Charts works with all technologies like ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, JSP, HTML pages etc. and connects to any database to render animated & interactive charts. It takes less than 15 minutes and no expertise whatsoever to build your first chart and just a glance of it to captivate your audience. This fact is endorsed by our 17,000 customers and 330,000 users which include a majority of the Fortune 500 companies. And yeah, your applications could look like a million bucks.

DOTNET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1


    .NET 3.5 SP1 introduces a new setup package option for developers building .NET client applications called the ".NET Framework Client Profile Preview." This provides a new setup installer that enables a smaller, faster, and simpler installation experience for .NET .The .NET Framework Client Profile Preview setup contains just those assemblies and files in the .NET Framework that are typically used for client application scenarios. DotNET 3.5 SP1 introduces a new "bootstrapper" component that you can use with client applications to help automate making sure that the right version of the .NET Framework.


    Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is a full cumulative update that contains many new features building incrementally upon .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and includes cumulative servicing updates to the .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.0 subcomponents ASP.NET Dynamic Data, which provides a rich scaffolding framework that enables rapid data driven development without writing code, and a new addition to ASP.NET AJAX that provides support for managing browser history (back button support). For more information, see What’s New in ASP.NET and Web Development.


    DotNetNuke is a free, Open Source Framework ideal for creating Enterprise Web Applications.DotNetNuke is an open-source Web Application Framework that is built on Microsoft ASP.NET (VB.NET) platform and is easily installed and hosted. It is most suitable for creating and deploying projects such as commercial websites, corporate intranets and extranets, online publishing portals, and custom vertical applications.


    An important point is that C# is a "managed" language, meaning that it requires the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) to execute. Essentially, as an application that is written in C# executes, the CLR is managing memory, performing garbage collection, handling exceptions, and providing many more services that you, as a developer, don't have to write code for. The C# compiler produces Intermediate Language (IL) , rather than machine language, and the CLR understands IL. When the CLR sees the IL, it Just-In-Time (JIT) compiles it, method by method, into compiled machine code in memory and executes it. As mentiond previously, the CLR manages the code as it executes.


        Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio, which is commercial software and Microsoft Visual Studio Express, which is free of charge. Microsoft implementation of Visual Basic .NET is called "Microsoft Visual Basic".


         Microsoft started development on the .NET Framework in the late 1990s originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released. Version 3.0 of the .NET Framework is included with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. Version 3.5 is included with Windows 7, and can also be installed on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of operating systems. On April 12, 2010, .NET Framework 4 was released alongside Visual Studio 2010.





     .NET is a software development framework from microsoft which makes progammer life easier. Microsoft provided complete tools to develop a software (IDE), starting from Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server, with a user interface designer come as a package. The good news is we can get those tools free of charge for the Express Edition.VB.NET and C# is two most popular programming language in .NET world. Many software developer use them as their main language. Although .NET framework enable us to use those languages in the same time in one particular project, sometimes we need to move from one language to another.



       SQL is a standardized query language for requesting information from a database.Microsoft SQL Server is an application used to create computer databases for the Microsoft Windows family of server operating systems. Microsoft SQL Server provides an environment used to generate databases that can be accessed from workstations, the Internet, or other media such as a personal digital assistant (PDA).It is used at different levels and with various goals. This web site provides lessons and topics on how to use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to create and manage databases.


AJAX has brought a rich inactive content to web pages and web applications. The newest vision of Visual Studio, Visual Studio 2010 brings many plus to creating AJAX web content. This course covers some of the basics for using AJAX, dealing with server aide and client AJAX controls. Creating content rich AJAX applications will show how to use the UpdatePanel controls, page methods and other items. The AJAX Control Toolkit section will explain the controls, extenders, and script manager.